
Stakeholder Workshop marEEshift: What Factors Influence the Cod Stock in the Western Baltic?

Together with Claudia Schelp of SCHELP MEDIATION, we had the pleasure of moderating an exciting workshop at the Thünen Institute for Baltic Sea Fisheries in Rostock in the autumn of 2022.

We worked with around 20 stakeholders from commercial and recreational fishing, administration, conservation and research to explore the factors affecting the Western Baltic cod stock. This brought together traditionally conflicting stakeholders and strengthened their own motivation to shape cod management. The aim was to jointly develop a management system for sustainable exploitation of Western cod.

Aiming to create a culture of discussion in which participants meet as equals, we started the workshop with buzz groups to warm up. After in-depth panel discussions, homogeneous and heterogeneous groups of stakeholders came together for a relaxed exchange and solution-oriented collaboration.

We thank all participants for their engagement!

Read more about the project here.


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