Project Support

You already have an idea for a project, and maybe also a few partners? Congratulations! In case you are lacking the time (and maybe also the know-how) to file a successful application, we are happy to help you. For certain funding programmes (e.g. Interreg VI B North Sea), we can also support you in your quest for project partners or a suitable consortium.

A successful project needs ...

...well-defined targets, tasks, and a good integration of the funding party's requirements:

We have supported our fair share of successful project applications. Therefore we know how to convincingly communicate the benefits of a joint project involving more than one region, highlighting the funding purposes and your partners' interests.

...good management and communication with all partners:

Sometimes, projects with many project partners run the risk of slowing themselves down: Obligations to report, documentation, negotiations – it can all become quite tedious. However, project reports can also serve as a valuable tool for project management, thus promoting collaboration, just as constructive negotiations can. External management support can help with or prevent problems.

...a proper participation process:

For participating stakeholders, research projects can be truly inspirational, because they can continue scientific discussions, broaden their horizon, and work on contentious topics in an informal setting. This works best if different expectations are identified early on and brought in line with project and stakeholder resources.

We offer

Project development and application filing / project management

We support you with conceptual advice for project drafts and applications. We are happy to share our experiences with you regarding the right phrasing and essential elements necessary for funding. Just recently, we supported successful applications as part of the INTERREG North Sea Region, the ERA-NET, and BMBF (German Federal Ministry of Education and Research) programmes. After the successful filing of an application, we also help our clients with reporting vis-a-vis the funding party and the coordination of joint activities.

Planning and implementation of participative research / evaluation:

We help with your research project, using participative methods for data gathering (Delphi method, mental models, interactive peer review processes) and supporting your research process with people on the ground, e.g. in the form of a committee or a stakeholder board. Already during the application phase, we can determine what will serve your project’s purpose. This also includes the evaluation of your participation’s effect regarding the goals you defined.

News on Project Support

2024BlogGroundwater ManagementModerationProject SupportPublic Relations / PR
Finalist for the REGIOSTARS Award: TOPSOIL

2023AgricultureBlogClimate ChangeCredentialsGroundwater ManagementModerationProject SupportProjectsSustainabilityWater Governance
Blue Transition – Improving the Water and Soil Balance in Our Regions

2021Climate ChangeCredentialsProject SupportProjectsSustainabilityWater Governance
C5a: Promoting an Integrated Cloud-to-Coast-Approach in the North Sea Region

How to foster integrated climate change adaptation.

2020BlogMediationModerationProject Support
Virtual Meetings in transnational Projects: How to Improve?

Bringing the team together - this is our most important challenge when meeting online. In this blog we share our...

2020BlogMediationModerationProject SupportPublic Relations / PR
Online Stakeholder Involvement – webconferences are good for climate protection

Virtual meetings, web conferences - we all know them. And now they are getting more popular!

2020BlogModerationProject Support
External moderation: Do you really need it?!?

Surgeons do not operate on themselves. But many scientific and environment-related projects try to do just that: They present content...

2020Groundwater ManagementModerationProject SupportProjectsSustainabilityWater Governance
WaterCoG-Water-Co Governance for Ecosystems (Jan. 2016–Oct. 2021)

This Interreg VB North Sea Project brings together eight partners from the UK, the Netherlands, Germany, Sweden and Denmark to...

2020AgricultureClimate ChangeGroundwater ManagementModerationProject SupportProjectsPublic Relations / PRSustainability
TOPSOIL – Topsoil and water. The climate challenge in the near subsurface (Dec 2015 – Dec 2021)

In TOPSOIL 24 partners from Denmark, Belgium, the Netherlands, Germany and the UK work on the protection and sustainable management...

2020BlogProject Support
You had to jump in at the deep end?

“Get going!“ This is the main message accompanying the start of most new projects. The positive excitement goes hand in...

2018Climate ChangeModerationProject SupportProjectsSustainability
KliFo Kommunal: Training on climate change adapation at local level

Climate Change Adaptation needs local awareness: planning and cooperation can raise resilience towards stormwater events, heat waves and other impacts.

2012CredentialsProject SupportProjectsPublicationsSustainabilityWater Governance
Ecosystem-Services & PES: Case study design and implementation

2004Project SupportProjectsWater Governance
Harmoni-Ca – Harmonizing Catchment Modelling / WP5: Integrated Assessment

My first project at the University of Osnabrueck bringing together river basin modelling and management.

I am happy to support you.

What can I do for you? Let’s find out how I can support you and your project, and let’s answer all your questions – I am more than happy to do so! Please feel free to get in touch at any time.

Get in touch