2020BlogModerationProject Support

External moderation: Do you really need it?!?

Surgeons do not operate on themselves. But many scientific and environment-related projects try to do just that: They present content at events and moderate themselves. Common consequences are exhaustion, a bad mood at the event, or a lack of energy for follow-up tasks.
What does moderation do?

The objective of moderation is to make meetings fruitful and productive. In this context, work already starts before the meeting and is not done afterwards. To illustrate what that means, let us explain to you how we work, which services are included in professional moderation, and how clients benefit from it. Moderation services include the following steps:

Consulting on concepts

Support regarding organisation

Ensuring the achievement of objectives

Recording of results

Processing of results

Measuring success

When does it make sense to use external moderation for your project?

Not every situation requires external moderation (see our blog post on moderating work meetings yourself). But under certain conditions, external moderation can support target-oriented work or even make it possible. Arguments for external moderation are:

Separate roles help to prevent stress and a loss of credibility

Difficult meetings are guided onto a constructive path

Workload is reduced, and you can let your core skills shine

Get new impulses

Show that you are a professional

How to react to typical arguments against external moderation?

You would like to hire an external moderator to increase professionalism and to reduce your workload, but you are having a hard time to come up with a convincing argumentation? Here are some typical arguments used to lobby against external moderation, as well as our answers to them:

We do not need it!

That is often true. But not always. Because in case of overlapping roles, increased work load, difficult meetings with demanding target groups, the desire to get new impulses, or if you want to present yourself as very professional, your project will, without any doubt, benefit from external moderation.

What is the purpose of having a project coordinator / manager / assistant / etc. ?

A good coordinator’s – the term already says it – trademark is not that they do everything themselves. Coordinators have an overview over what the project needs and make sure that everything goes as successfully as possible.

Why should we spend money on this?

Because it will make meetings more effective. When you look at the hourly work rate of all participants and do the maths to determine how expensive a work meeting is, you really want it to be productive.

It is not part of our budget plan!

Projects funded by third parties can usually award contracts to third parties, too. If you can explain to your funding partner why – based on the project’s current development – external moderation is necessary / beneficial, there certainly are ways to use funds from this resource directly or to reallocate funds.

I will no longer have control over the meeting!

A professional moderator will openly talk about the client’s objectives and possible obstacles for the event beforehand; then, a suitable event setting is developed together with the client. The moderator will also keep up communication with the client at the meeting; this way, the moderator can be sure that they are doing the best possible job for the client. The use of external moderation reduces a client’s workload; they can focus on contents and use the breaks to build or strengthen important relationships. This way, an event is more likely to “stay on track” than to be sidetracked.

Would you like to try using moderation?

Selbstverständlich beraten wir Sie gerne zu dem Thema und stehen Ihnen als erfahrene Moderatorinnen für Projekte in Of course, we are happy to counsel you on this topic. We are also available as seasoned moderators for scientific and environment-related projects. You will find more information on what a moderator does and how moderation helps in our blog post on moderating work meetings yourself.

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What can I do for you? Let’s find out how I can support you and your project, and let’s answer all your questions – I am more than happy to do so! Please feel free to get in touch at any time.

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