
Mediation & Change Management

Scarce resources, professional contradictions and new framework conditions? I create the framework in which you adapt your structures and resolve your conflicts for developing well-supported solutions.

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Moderation & Process Design

My moderation has your back. Start looking forward to your well-structured event with content participants and well documented results! And enjoy full stakeholder processes supporting your planning.

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Project Support

I advise you on developing your project idea, from the application to the realisation. This makes it easier to get your sponsors and cooperation partners on board. My focus is on transnational cooperation with 10-25 partners.

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Dissemination of Project Results

The progress and results of your projects should be shared with the world. I support you on customised communication formats such as flyers, syntheses/brochures or events.

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Our Focus

Water Governance
Climate Change

I am happy to support you.

What can I do for you? Let’s find out how I can support you and your project, and let’s answer all your questions – I am more than happy to do so! Please feel free to get in touch at any time.

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