About me

I am an environmental engineer with long years of experience in collaborative processes.

I work with a systemic approach.

I have learned that when it comes to solving environmental problems, it is the people behind the technology that count.
INTERESSEN IM FLUSS  emerged because I am particularly interested in the cooperation processes for sustainable and resilient water management – especially in times of climate change and massive social change.

I help my clients to see the wood as well as the trees. Merging and balancing different, sometimes even competing interests is most essential to me.

I am pragmatic, specific, flexible.

My aim is to provide well-functioning processes and events. “Well-functioning” means that the results have the format required by the client. I adapt my methods to this. Be it focus-group tests, speed-dating, world-café, mediation, change management, role-play set-ups or other tools: I always select and combine methods to provide for well-functioning processes.

I love collaboration.

The knowledge and experience of the participants is the starting point of the process. I listen and paraphrase – much so at the interface between science and practice. I provide the necessary framework for this process, so that everybody’s contributions are appropriately considered and part of the solutions.

Through INTERESSEN IM FLUSS, I provide you with this expertise. For larger projects and processes, I am happy to work with my long-standing cooperation partners.




Testimonials by our clients

Many thanks for your great guidance during this TOPSOIL online meeting. Not easy!

Deirdre Buist, Senior EU Project Communications Advisorm, Province Drenthe, The Netherlands

Mit einigen konstruktiven Vorgesprächen wurde der Aufbau und die Zielführung unseres Strategie- Workshops mit Frau Borowski-Maaser festlegt. Die Moderation war gut durchstrukturiert, angenehm und wurde ergebnisoffen geführt. Mit kritischen konstruktiven Kommentaren hat sie die Diskussion begleitet und immer wieder auf die Metaebene des Ziels des Workshops zurückgelenkt. Mit ihrem offenen und gleichzeitig kompetenten Auftreten schuf sie eine gelungene und intensive Arbeitsatmosphäre. Das Erstellen der anschließenden Zusammenfassung der Empfehlung der Expertinnen und Experten erfolgte bereits wenige Tage nach der Veranstaltung.

Prof. Dr. Manfred Frechen, LIAG, Hannover.

Dr. Borowski-Maaser developed and moderated a key stakeholder event for us. It was attended by about 50 participants from our 7 partner countries, representing ministerial, administrative and project partnership level. Her positive attitude, style and moderation skills were highly appreciated by organisers and participants. The output we generated with her support could be fed directly into our working process.

Carsten Westerholt, Deputy Head of Secretariat, Interreg North Sea

Die Arbeit der wasserwirtschaftlichen Verwaltung beinhaltet die regelmäßige Auseinandersetzung mit unterschiedlichsten Stakeholdern. Eine Moderation von Frau Borowski-Maaser beindruckt nachhaltig in diesem Sammelsurium von Stimmen und Meinungen – zu jeder Zeit behält sie den Überblick, hält den roten Faden fest in den Händen und lässt trotzdem ausreichend Raum für Kreativität.

Rudolf Gade, Niedersächsisches Ministerium für Umwelt, Energie und Klimaschutz – Referat 24 „Oberflächen- und Küstengewässer, Meeresschutz"

The seminar „Key-Competences for Career Development” addresses students of Faculty V Mathematics and Science at University of Oldenburg. Involvement of Key-Stakeholders is a major success factor in our day-to-day lives. Therefore, we invited a specialist on this topic to carry out a workshop for our students within this course. On behalf of our international students I wish to thank “Interessen im Fluss” for their related seminar on an important career success factor. Mrs. Cyrus managed to sensitize my students for this important issue. The students’ feedback received within our standard evaluation procedure at our university on this seminar was excellent.

Hans Holtorf, Universität Oldenburg

Thanks a lot for your good work during the meeting in Viborg. I just had a look at your summaries and I must say they are very good. Thanks also for your suggestions on how to improve our work which I appreciate very much and I think offer us very relevant input for our minds to go on finding new, more rewarding and more effective ways to collaborate.

Àngels Orduña, INTERACT Point Valencia

I am happy to support you.

What can I do for you? Let’s find out how I can support you and your project, and let’s answer all your questions – I am more than happy to do so! Please feel free to get in touch at any time.

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