
Borowski-Maaser, I. et al. (2011): ESAWADI: Utilizing the Ecosystem Services Approach for Water Framework Directive Implementation. Framework of Analysis. Work Package 1: Inception and work on Common Understanding and Methodology.

Blancher, P.; Girard, L.; Vignon, C.; Catalon, E.; Maresca, B.; Dujin, A.; Mordret, X.; Borowski, I.; Neubauer, L.; Interwies, E.; Cunha, M.d.C.; Marques, J.C.; Pinto, R.; Roseta Palma, C. (2011): ESAWADI: Utilizing the Ecosystem Services Approach for Water Framework Directive Implementation. Framework of Analysis. Work Package 1: Inception and Work on Common Understanding and Methodology.


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